1、It begins with the presentation of a visual cue.
2、He often takes his cue from the boss.
3、For the kids in the experiment, the cue was the precise location of a cartoon character.
4、When I nod my head, thats your cue to interrupt the meeting.
5、We can take the cue from our fears and plunge the world into chaos.
6、Without a visual cue like this, its likely to be unclear to the user which row is currently selected.
7、During the initial pass, placeholders that cue the transformations fill the places in the tree where unresolved elements will go.
8、Taking their cue from psychology, these economists take seriously what every layman knows: that people dont always behave in selfish or even rational ways.
9、Because lots of folks use an empty plate-rather than a full stomach-as a cue to put down their fork.
10、A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice.
11、Under the condition of high gender cue salience, the fact that there is implicit gender stereotype in judgments of fame implied the stability of implicit gender stereotypes.
12、Take a cue from Kelly Ripa, who added ashy-blond strands to her soft caramel base color. To get the same effect with brown hair, ask your colorist for hazelnut or amber highlights.
13、That may be a hint that the action evolved as a social cue - time for us all to go to bed - although as usual when evolution and human behaviour meet, the tie is speculative at best.
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1、以查看一下手机声音设置是否有问题。有的时候可能在不经意间手机声音设置会被改变,安卓手机可以按一下音量键之后,检查一下是否静音了全局音量。2、建议参照以下方法尝试处理:按音量复+键将声音调得大一些;进入手机设置--声音..2023-03-10新开信用卡不激活会涨额度吗 刚开的信用卡可以提升额度吗
新开的信用卡不激活是否会涨额度,主要得看银行。而的确也有网友反馈,自己申请的信用卡因为额度太低没有激活,结果过了一段时间就收到了..2023-03-10高德地图怎样删除商家位置 高德地图商家怎么删除