A.消费物价指数 B.生产物价指数
C.GDP平均指数 D.交易价格指数
A.外部因素的变动 B.乘数作用
C.加速数作用 D.乘数和加速数交织作用
A.公开型通货膨胀 B.隐蔽型通货膨胀
C.抑制型通货膨胀 D.温和型通货膨胀
There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problems. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.
Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that the society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world’s population. As the society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life may decline.
People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital needed to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protect our natural surroundings from industrialization.
This debate over the desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance to business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth are correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and business community must pay attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.
1.According to those who criticize economic growth, which of the following is NOT the reason that might cause economic growth to slow down?
A.Our natural surroundings are in danger of being destroyed by industry.
B.The fixed supply of natural resources marks a point beyond which growth cannot
C.The world’s population is ever increasing.
D.More efforts are made to improve the quality of our life.
2.Those who want more economic growth believe that continued economic growth_________.
A.is essential to the well-being of the society as a whole
B.can provide the solution to all of our social problems today
C.can never protect our environment from being polluted by industry
D.can provide us with more natural resources for industrialization
3.The underlined word “proponents” most probably mean_________.
A.arguments in support of something
B.disagreements on something
C.people who argue for something
D.people who argue against something
4.The passage is mainly about_________.
A.the contradiction between economists and business community
B.the present debate on economic growth
C.the advantages and disadvantages of economic growth
D.the importance of the debate on economic growth
5.We may infer from the passage that_________.
A.the author describes the case as it is
B.the author is for economic growth
C.the author is against continued economic growth
D.the author is not worried about the problems caused by economic growth
1、景阳冈打虎:武松回家探望兄长,途经景阳冈,至酒家沽饮十八碗,醉后欲行赶路。酒家告以冈上有虎伤人,劝其勿行。武松不信,在冈上果遇一条吊睛白额大虫。武松奋起平生之力以双拳将虎打死,为当地老百姓除去一大害。从此武松声名大振(0)人阅读时间:2023-03-12康诰怎么读(康诰 怎么读)
1、康诰拼音:[kāng gào]。2、《康诰》,是西周时周成王任命康叔治理殷商旧地民众的命令。3、康诰:是《尚书》中的一篇,《尚书》是中国上古历史文件的汇编。“尚”即“上”,《尚书》意即上古之书。相传由孔子编选而成,传(0)人阅读时间:2023-03-12西游记一到十回概括(西游记一到十回内容概括)
1、第一回:灵根育孕源流出心性修持大道生。东胜神洲傲来国海中有花果山,山项上一仙石孕育出一石猴。石猴在所居涧水源头寻到名为“水帘洞”的石洞,被群猴拥戴为王。又过三五百年,石猴忽为人生无常,不得久寿而悲啼。根据一老猴指点,(0)人阅读时间:2023-03-12范雎怎么念 范雎 怎么读
1、范雎的读音:fàn jū。2、释义:也叫范且(通假字,古时“且”通“雎”)《史记》中是“雎jū”字,有书为“睢 sui”字,评书家多读此音,字叔。战国时魏国人,著名政治家、军事谋略家。他同商鞅、张仪、李斯先后任秦国丞(0)人阅读时间:2023-03-12武松故事情节概括(武松故事情节概括100字左右)
1、景阳冈打虎:武松回家探望兄长,途经景阳冈,至酒家沽饮十八碗,醉后欲行赶路。酒家告以冈上有虎伤人,劝其勿行。武松不信,在冈上果遇一条吊睛白额大虫。武松奋起平生之力以双拳将虎打死,为当地老百姓除去一大害。从此武松声名大振..2023-03-12康诰怎么读(康诰 怎么读)
1、康诰拼音:[kāng gào]。2、《康诰》,是西周时周成王任命康叔治理殷商旧地民众的命令。3、康诰:是《尚书》中的一篇,《尚书》是中国上古历史文件的汇编。“尚”即“上”,《尚书》意即上古之书。相传由孔子编选而成,传..2023-03-12西游记一到十回概括(西游记一到十回内容概括)
1、第一回:灵根育孕源流出心性修持大道生。东胜神洲傲来国海中有花果山,山项上一仙石孕育出一石猴。石猴在所居涧水源头寻到名为“水帘洞”的石洞,被群猴拥戴为王。又过三五百年,石猴忽为人生无常,不得久寿而悲啼。根据一老猴指点,..2023-03-12范雎怎么念 范雎 怎么读
1、范雎的读音:fàn jū。2、释义:也叫范且(通假字,古时“且”通“雎”)《史记》中是“雎jū”字,有书为“睢 sui”字,评书家多读此音,字叔。战国时魏国人,著名政治家、军事谋略家。他同商鞅、张仪、李斯先后任秦国丞..2023-03-12