国际:中国养猪业继续减栏 养猪行业新闻
养猪行情:The Chinese Ministry of Agricultures Swine March Inventory Report indicates a decline of 700,000 sows in the last month. In the first three months of 2015, Chinese Government data indicates 2.5 million sows have been eliminated. In the las..(20)人阅读时间:2022-06-30猪肉:稳健的需求推动猪价上涨
市场分析:IRELAND - The Chairman of the Irish Farmers Association Pigs Committee, Tom Hogan, has said that the solid demand from processors has resulted in a 2c/kg increase in prices being paid for pigs this week.Strongest demand is reported to be coming fr..(10)人阅读时间:2022-04-18