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时间:2022-06-13人气:作者: 佚名


  US - This week's hog slaughter totaled 2.531 million head, up 3.2 per cent from last week, up 5.7 per cent from the same week last year, and if not revised, the second most ever in a week behind the 2,532,244 head slaughtered the week ending on November 5, 2016, write Ron Plain and Scott Brown, Ag Economics, MU.The US imported 475,023 live hogs during September. That was 1.9 per cent fewer than the month before, but 4.1 per cent more than a year ago. September imports of weaner/feeder pigs were up 11.5 per cent compared to September 2015, but imports of other hogs down 25.1 per cent.

  罗恩·普莱恩(Ron Plain)和斯科特·布朗(Scott Brown)写道,本周生猪屠宰量总计253.1万头,比上周提高了3.2%,与去年同期相比增长了5.7%。要是无需修订,本周排在自2016年11月5日截止当周的253.2244万头之后,周屠宰量占第二位。美国在九月间进口47.5023万头活猪,比上个月减少了1.9%,但与去年同期相比增长4.1%。九月断奶/待肥育仔猪比2015年9月增长了11.5%,但士翠他种类的生猪进口量下降了25.1%。