Foshan starts COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals
In accordance with the principles of "informed consent, voluntariness, self-paying, and own risk-bearing", Foshan, starting from April 16, 2021, provides domestically-produced COVID-19 vaccines to foreign nationals in the city subject to local age eligibility restrictions.
Foreign nationals who wish to be vaccinated can make an appointment through the WeChat service platform Yuejiantong (“粤健通”). Currently Foshan provides domestically-produced inactivated COVID-19 vaccines. Two doses are required for the entire course. Foreign nationals who have joined social medical insurance scheme of Guangdong Province can take vaccine free of charge after providing valid local medical insurance proof on site. Otherwise they need to pay 100 RMB per dose for the vaccination.
The appointment for vaccination can be made as follows:
Since April 16, 2021, foreign nationals could enter Yuejiantong (“粤健通”), the Wechat vaccination service platform by scanning the QR code below to fill in the required information and make an appointment. After the appointment is successfully made, applicants can bring their permanent residence ID cards or their passports with the valid residence permits as well as the valid local medical insurance proof and go to the designated site at the appointed time for vaccination. Before being vaccinated in the designated venue, foreign nationals are required to sign the letter of informed consent and the exemption commitment, ensure the personal protection, inform the on-site medical staff of their health status so that the staff could assess the suitability of vaccination. Vaccinated foreign nationals are suggested to pay close attention to their health status within 14 days of vaccination and go to hospital to seek medical advice in case of feeling unwell.
The QR Code of Yuejiantong is available below.
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